Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Most Important Agent Of Socialization Sociology Essay

The Most Important Agent Of Socialization Sociology Essay In short, an agent of socialization assists in the development process by influencing the individual. A person learns socialization through agents, which include: the family, the school, the peer group, and the mass media. According to Sociologist Richard Gelles (1990), The family is the most violent group in society, with the exception of the police and the military. Nonetheless, the family provides a strong backbone and a reliable foundation; it is considered the most important agent of socialization. The family assumes the chief responsibility of developing a child, and has a substantial guise in the integration with society. The family is the primary support system for a child, especially during the first phase of their lives when they are physically and, in most cases, emotionally closest to a child. During this time, they will provide the greatest support and influence. This will extend over factors such as values, beliefs, political aspects, religious appetites, and the childs overall outlook on society in its entirety. Childrens minds are like sponges that absorb teachings; they will mimic, appreciate, worship, and accept views, behaviors, and even possessions of their parents. It is evident that the social development in a child is heavily manipulated by the family. Furthermore, the family unit has the ability to effect change to the next generation.   Parents inculcate their beliefs and values to their children from a young age, and that value system can be perpetuated from one generation to the next. Changes in the American Family The American family has indeed made drastic changes, and these profound shifts are owed largely to women: womens equality and their entry into the workforce. The latter 1960s became a time of revolution; the Womens Liberation Movement gave way to a new era of female supremacy, and reformed the current balance of power and rights in America. Women purposefully set to the workforce in swarms, aiming to earn pay equal to men. This caused a domino effect on society at-large. As cost of living rises, it is unrealistic for couples to rely on the income of one earner; therefore, a two-wage household is ideal. Effectually, husband and wife in majority of families are forced to become significant financial contributors. Consequently, less and less attention is given to children as demanding careers do not allow such elasticity in both parents time budget. In addition, in view of both parents spending most of their waking hours at work, their children become latchkey kids. Children come home to an empty house that lacks supervision, guidance, and nurturing. Both parents having to work long hours to maintain a household reduces time with their children. Kids need as much time with their parents, who they idolize, but dont often receive it. This, of course, leads to the increased commitment of grandparents who now assume the roles and responsibilities of absent parents. In conjunction, according to the U.S. Census Bureau (2011), procreation has decreased from 1976 to 2008. It is evident that both the cost to raise a child and the consideration of a preoccupied parent are factors in the abatement of conception. Notwithstanding, as women become more and more self-sufficient, they no longer depend on a husband to support the family. Compensable employment among women validates and insures them that sustainable living is attainable. Also, women were less likely to view marriage through the prisms of sacrifice, duty, and obligation. Regardless of the human need for intimate relationships, and undying cultural traditions, its clear that people who are obligated to be self-sufficient have little patience for unequal, intolerable relationships than those who are dependent, economically; thus, contributing to the growth in divorce rates (U.S. Census, 2011). Differences In recent times, personal choice has superseded. However, it is still common for individuals to ponder on class, race, and gender. Many individuals prefer inter-racial marriages and when not, thats the first family stressor. Children are born into the situation and the issue perpetuates. Regardless of the criteria, its the judgment or prejudices of others that make marriage/family life harder than it should. For example, my Japanese co-worker has two half Black, half Japanese children. Her pure Japanese parents never approved of her Black husband, and never adored their  ½ black grandchildren. It took many years for her parents to come around and accept the situation. On the other hand, her brother married a Japanese wife, had kids, and they were closer to their grandparents than their Afro-American cousins. Personal choice is more important today than other pressures placed on the individual to choose a partner. Due to media exposure, it is more acceptable to choose a partner outside ones class, race, and gender. Diverse Families According to popular culture, a normal family consists of a bread-winner (father), a caretaker (mother), and at least one offspring (children). However, the composition of families has changed dramatically since 1960. Diverse families include statuses such as: single-parent, cohabitation, gay and lesbian couples, and blended families (step). From a positive outlook, diverse families allow for individual prosperity. People no longer have to follow the ways and habits of their forefathers; rather, they are encouraged to exercise their human right, making freedom of choice prevalent. Sexual and marital preference, and multi-tradition, religion, and culture relationships promote a more tolerant society who willingly accepts and is more open-minded to others differences. Negatively speaking, certain family members may not be open to diversity. Considering the family is the most important agent of socialization, the individual will likely contemplate the familys opinion(s) and may be influenced negatively which could cause friction within the family, the relationship, or both. Diversity is beneficial if the society doesnt practice or abandons nationalism. The society must not only be afforded the opportunity, but have strengthened abilities to adapt to diversity. Pre-World War II If the trend negatively changed towards traditional (pre-World War II) families, it would ultimately negate all of the progress women made to achieving equal rights. Womens suffrage may not have come about, women would likely still be inferior to their husbands, working in factories, and viewed as nothing more than a possession treated poorly. The expectation of women would continue to be restricted, limiting them to being homemakers, and bearing and nurturing children. In light of World War II, women fought endlessly to find equality in political, economic, and social life and demonstrated against society for equal rights (pay, maternity leave, etc.). The effort put forth by women to enter the labor force has altered the marriage guidelines of their rights and expectations. As women secure their positions within the workforce, they declare their fair share of power within the familial relationship. The mentality of women morphed from restricted to open, homemaker to PhD. Overall, if the direction of traditional families changed, it would have a considerable impact on womens rights. In short, their empowerment would either lack the proper fertilization, or be abandoned completely.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Value Chain Analysis-Army Recruiting Company

Value Chain Analysis: Army Recruiting Company Foundation for Business intelligence Before he passed away in 1999, satirical novelist, Joseph Heller, wrote in his book Catch-22, â€Å"I had examined myself pretty thoroughly and discovered that I was unfit for military service† (Heller, 282). While in this instance, the individual was missing a leg and therefore not eligible for service, this quote has been used at times by those that have a fear or misunderstanding of the United States Armed Forces.Despite this, there is a requirement to maintain the volume of Soldiers within the United States Army and that recruiting companies develop a desire to join within the communities where they are located. Understanding the Companies valued processes allows for analysis of what operations are already being performed well and what areas can be improved to increase desire to join. As an Army Recruiting Commander it is my job to ensure that the Company I lead is producing the best product for our customers. It is described as customers because there are two entities that this company serves.The more obvious of the two is the United States Government. We receive a mission for the year, as to the Government’s goals for the quantity and quality of new enlistments to the United States Army. While it is important to this customer to receive a certain number of these enlistments at various phase lines through the year, the type of enlistment is just as vital to customer satisfaction. For best results, the enlistee should not only show educational aptitude, but also be a malleable or trainable product before they arrive to Basic Training.This customer’s requirements for success require that the company provides them an on time, quality product, in determined quantities. The other customer that this Company serves is in fact those very people that are enlisting to serve Customer Number One. Less than one half of one percent of the American population has chose n to serve in the Army during the past decade (Miles, 3). Though this number is likely to remain low, growing pressure from competing Department of Defense Agencies such as the U. S. Navy or National Guard, requires us to illustrate to the customer exactly why they should choose us as a provider.Where Customer Number One requires a high tempo turn over for their product, it is more important to this customer that service meets their specific timeline. Some customers need to begin their Army Career as soon as possible due to financial or familial responsibilities. Others have requirements to complete, such as graduating from high school or college, therefore requiring a suspended leave date. In addition to a customized timeline, it is important to understand the specific reasons why they would choose to enlist in the first place.Understanding this allows the Company to tailor the right package of benefits and job selection that meets the customers desires and replaces the need to see k opportunities with other Department of Defense Agencies. In order to meet the requirements of the Companies two customers, there are certain activities that must be accomplished. Though there are other processes that support the Company’s operations, the critical activities for mission success are marketing and research, prospecting, input management, and output management.These activities are necessary to complete services for both sets of customers and are continuously being completed. It is generally likely that many of these activities are being conducted simultaneously in order to reach final goal of a quality Soldier prepared to ship to Basic Training with a customized package of job and benefits. It is said that the first rule of sales is that people must like and trust you (Klivans, 1). Though we typically try to distance Military Recruiting from sales, this principal still applies.For many people there is a negative connotation when considering the Armed Forces as a career choice for themselves or those that they influence. Generally, this is due to lack of knowledge of what the Army or other Department of Defense Agencies is like aside from aggrandized portrayals of violence from movies, television, and news. In order to combat this ignorance, the Company has become very successful at utilizing marketing within the local area. We effectively utilize advertising and public affair in order to engage the population and inform them about the military, its benefits, and the opportunities that are available.More than 43 percent of the recruiters for the entirety of Department of Defense within the area belong to my Company. Due to this, we are able to conduct branding operations across a larger swath of area than the other services. Participation in schools and providing branded materials for on the spot dialogue or future appointments at a recruiting center allows the company to diverge potential applicants away from other services increasing com pany production.Finally, utilization of friendly influencers such as, coaches, guidance councilors, and church leaders adds to our value as they provide the message about the Army’s worth without the supposed bias. These marketing and branding activities lay the framework for mission success and market domination, but prospecting is where the literal rubber meets the road. As with the marketing, the number of recruiters in the area allows for a larger area to be covered and more school visits per day, but its knowing where and how to target potential applicants that allow for greater success.Company recruiters conduct no less than four school engagements and multiple days either calling or visiting qualified leads identified from responses to our area marketing. Each phase line, which is generally about a month, we utilize historical data to identify key â€Å"must win† zip codes. By looking back at the last two years of recruiting data, we identify these key areas whe re enlistments are more likely to come from as well as what time of the year is generally the best to prospect in these areas. The analysis of historical data also helps with understanding the approach that should be utilized when discussing a potential enlistment.We utilize this to understand when to offer the action and adventure of the Combat Services or money for college and medical degree programs. This alone plays a significant part in our success and claiming more than 40 percent of the total market share of all enlistments in our key areas. At this point we should have satisfied all of the requirements for customer number two. They are given the red-carpet treatment and provided with the specialized bonuses, job placement, and Basic training dates that meets their aptitude and preferences.They then become the input for fulfilling the obligation to Customer Number One. Though each enlistee has the customized packet and has general satisfaction from the process, it is still po ssible to have an enlistee change their mind about shipping and is taken as a loss. The acceptable standard for loss rate from the United States Army Recruiting Command is ten percent with no losses inside of 35 days (USAREC, 7). Losses that occur are generally due to pregnancy, police record, drug use, or loss of influencer support.To combat losses, Future Soldier Leaders are assigned and conduct weekly training with the enlistees. During the training these leaders provide enlistees with information and training necessary to become successful at Basic Training and in their military careers. At the end of each training the enlistees are given a safety brief to remind them of potential risks to shipping and what mistakes will cost them. This action has reduced the loss rate of the Company to approximately eight percent with significant reductions in pregnancy, drug use, and police record losses.However, loss of influencer support continues to be the primary reason for loss and genera lly result in a loss being taken well inside of the thirty day window. Losses taken before ship date due hurt the overall effectiveness rating of the Company. What also becomes a challenge is getting the enlistee to ship on time to basic training. The most important part of getting an applicant out the door is time flow management. There is an expectation that the Company can enlist a Soldier, prepare him or her for basic training, and get them out to their unit in a few weeks.Currently, the average â€Å"flash to bang,† amount of time between initial contacts during prospecting to shipping to Basic Training, is just under 50 days. Though this is above the standard timeline for stated Command policies, this timeline is faster than all other recruiting Companies in this area. Issues that extend the flash to bang timeline typically are contract renegotiations for individuals that are unsatisfied in their specialized package. Also, individuals that fail to complete school requir ements at the expected graduation time require an extension to their original ship date.In order to increase the success of the Company it is important to understand not only the areas where success is being achieved but what items can be adjusted to maximize efforts as well. For instance, though having a higher recruiter share allows for us to cover a larger area during the marketing and prospecting phases, the Marine Corps and Air Force manage to recruit a significant number of high aptitude Seniors even in our â€Å"must win† zip codes. Both services supply one specialized message and target specifically those individuals looking for careers in technology and engineering.Providing more focus on Army careers in STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is needed to lessen efforts by other services. Also, adjustments need to be made during the input management phase in order to diminish losses inside of 30 days to include more involvement with enlistee influencers to en sure no loss of support. Finally, contract renegotiations should be kept to a minimum. Ensuring that a thorough understanding of our customers motivators and fully address in initial package and limiting renegotiations that would extend Flash to Bang timeline are needed steps.Engendering support to join the United States Army will continue to be a daunting task. In order to make certain continued satisfaction from the two customer groups requires understanding of working processes and potential areas to improve. Through utilization of higher recruiter numbers to cover larger area, developing good marketing and prospecting processes, ensuring proper training and management through Basic Training ship date and applying fixes to deficient areas, the Army Recruiting Company can continue to meet the demands from our customers.Works Cited Heller, Joseph. Catch-22. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1961. Print Kilvans, David. â€Å"The First Rule of Sales. † Ezine Articles. N. P. , 03 O ctober 2007. Web. 02 March 2013. . Miles, Donna. â€Å"Survey Shows Growing Gap Between Civilians, Military. † American Forces Press Service. Department of Defense, 28 November 2011. Web. 02 March 2013. . USAREC Regulation 601-95. (2002). Delayed Entry and Delayed Training Program. Washington DC. Department of the Army. 12 August 2002. PDF File.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Iguana Facts Habitat, Behavior, Diet

There are over 30 species of iguanas which belong to the class Reptilia. Depending on the species, iguanas’ habitats range from swamps and lowlands to deserts and rainforests. Iguanas are organized into nine broader categories of species: the Galapagos marine iguanas, Fiji iguanas, Galapagos land iguanas, thorntail iguanas, spiny-tailed iguanas, rock iguanas, desert iguanas, green iguanas, and chuckwallas. Fast Facts Scientific Name: IguanidaeCommon Names: Common Iguana (for green iguana)Order: SquamataBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: Up to 5 to 7 feet (green iguana) and as small as 5 to 39 inches (spiny-tailed iguana)Weight: Up to 30 pounds (blue iguana)Life Span: 4 to 40 years on average depending on speciesDiet: Fruits, flowers, leaves, insects, and snailsHabitat: Rainforests, lowlands, swamps, desertsPopulation: Roughly 13,000 Fiji iguanas per species; between 3,000 to 5,000 spiny-tailed iguanas per species; 13,000 to 15,000 green iguanas per speciesConservation Status: Least Concern (green iguana), Endangered (Fiji iguanas), Critically Endangered (Fiji crested iguana)Fun Fact: Marine iguanas are excellent swimmers. Description Portrait of iguana sitting on branch. Leigh Thomas / Getty Images Iguanas are cold-blooded, egg-laying animals and are some of the largest lizards found in the Americas. Their size, color, behavior, and unique adaptations vary depending on the species. Some, like the Fiji banded iguana, are bright green with white or light blue bands while others have dull colors. The most abundant and well-known type of iguana is the green iguana (Iguana iguana). Their average size is 6.6 feet, and they weigh up to 11 pounds. Their green color helps camouflage them in undergrowth, and they have a row of spines on their body which function as defense. Rock iguanas have long, straight tails and short, powerful limbs, which helps them climb trees and limestone formations. They have a flap of skin called a dewlap located in the throat area that helps with temperature regulation. Spiny-tailed iguanas are large omnivorous animals, and black spiny-tailed iguanas are the fastest running lizards, reaching speeds of up to 21 mph. Marine iguana feeding on an algae covered rock. Wildestanimal / Getty Images Marine iguanas have black coloration to help warm their bodies after swimming in cold ocean waters. They do not have gills, so they can not breath underwater. However, marine iguanas can hold their breathe underwater for up to 45 minutes. Their flat tails help them swim in a snake-like motion, allowing them to quickly graze on algae for a few minutes before returning to the surface. Their long claws allow them to latch onto the bottom while grazing. Due to their diet and large quantities of salt water consumed, marine iguanas have developed the ability to sneeze excess salt through their salt glands. Habitat and Distribution Depending on the species, iguanas live in a variety of habitats including deserts, rocky regions, swamps, rainforests, and lowlands. Green iguanas are found throughout Mexico down to Central America, the Caribbean Islands, and southern Brazil. The iguana species inhabiting the Caribbean islands are collectively known as the rock iguanas. Desert iguanas are found in the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, while two genera of marine iguanas inhabit the Galapagos Islands. Diet and Behavior Most iguana species are herbivores, eating young leaves, fruits, and flowers. Some eat insects like the wax worm, while marine iguanas dive into the ocean to harvest algae from plants. Some species house bacteria in their digestive systems which allow them to ferment the plant material they eat. Green iguanas are omnivores when they are young but shift to almost entirely herbivorous diets as adults. Young green iguanas eat mostly insects and snails and shift to eating fruits, flowers, and leaves as adults. They have sharp teeth that allow them to shred leaves. Green iguanas also live high in the tree canopy and inhabit higher altitudes as they grow older. Another interesting fact about iguanas is that they can detach their tails when in danger and regrow them later. Reproduction and Offspring Iguanas generally reach the age of sexual maturity at 2 to 3 years and can lay anywhere from 5 to 40 eggs per clutch depending on the species. For green iguanas, males establish mating pairs with females during the rainy season and leave the tree tops to fertilize the eggs during the beginning of the dry season. Most iguana species dig a burrow in sunny areas to lay their eggs inside and cover them. The ideal temperature range for incubation of these eggs is between 77 to 89 degrees Fahrenheit. After 65 to 115 days, depending on the species, these young hatch at the same time. After digging out of their burrows, the newly hatched iguanas begin their lives on their own. Species Fiji crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) on Viti Levu Island, Fiji. It is critically endangered species of iguana found on some Fijian islands. Donyanedomam / Getty Images There are roughly 35 living species of iguanas. The most abundant species is the Common or Green iguana (Iguana iguana). Iguanas are grouped into 9 categories based on their habitats and adaptations: the Galapagos marine iguanas, Fiji iguanas, Galapagos land iguanas, thorntail iguanas, spiny-tailed iguanas, rock iguanas, desert iguanas, green iguanas, and chuckwallas. Threats The Fiji iguanas are an endangered species, with the Fiji crested iguana listed as critically endangered. The biggest factor in the decreasing numbers of Fiji iguanas are predation by feral cats (Felis catus) and the black rat (Rattus rattus) invasive species. Additionally, crested iguanas are critically endangered due to the rapid decrease in their habitat of dry healthy forests in the Fiji Islands. This habitat reduction is due to clearing, burning, and conversion of forests to farmlands. Conservation Status The green iguana is designated as least concern according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). All species of the Fiji iguanas group are designated as endangered according to the IUCN, with the Fiji crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis) listed as critically endangered. Iguanas and Humans Green iguanas are the most common reptile pets in the U.S. However, because they are hard to care for, many of these pets die within the first year. In Central and South America, green iguanas are bred on farms and eaten by people. Their eggs are considered a delicacy, often referred to as the â€Å"chicken of the tree.† Sources Green Iguana. National Geographic, 2019, Iguana Facts And Information. Seaworld Parks Entertainment, 2019,, P., Fisher, R. Grant, T. â€Å"Brachylophus vitiensis†. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2012, San Diego Zoo, 2019, Species. Iguana Specialist Group, 2019,, Robert. Iguana. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019,

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Essay on Schizophrenia Symptoms - 949 Words

Schizophrenia is a complex disorder of the brain, which is incurable but treatable to live a close to a normal life. There are different types of schizophrenia and they each have different symptoms and affect a persons life in different ways. Schizophrenia is a disease that ebbs and flows, which means that the people with the disease have acute periods called relapses. This is when a person with schizophrenia experiences a number of sensations that are an addition to their usual feelings, and because they are additions, they are called positive symptoms. The term positive symptoms does not mean it is positive in the sense that it is wanted or a positive thing to have. They are hallucinations, and delusions and they are believed to†¦show more content†¦Another symptom of schizophrenia is talking nonsense, which usually occurs when a person is in an active phase of their illness. It usually occurs when the person is dealing with a lot of stress or if their medications are running low. This causes them to say things that make little or absolutely no sense. Their sentences do not piece together at all and many words might have special meanings to them. Most people use one side of their brain for language and the oth er for art and music, so when the person is experiencing this symptom it is best to not try and understand them, but try and communicate with them in a different form such as art and music. The final positive symptom of schizophrenia is preoccupations. Preoccupations are fixed ideas that are not always false. It is usually just the person worrying if they are doing the right thing or if they are doing something well, and the worries can start to grow out of proportion and unrealistic. Sometimes the preoccupations can be activities such as the person thinking that they figured out something that no on else knew and they can not be distracted. Preoccupations are usually found in an active stage of the illness. The next types of symptoms are negative symptoms andShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia899 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia What is Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is defined as a psychotic disorder that strikes about one percent of the world population. It is a disease that makes it difficult for a person to think logically, to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences like hallucinations, delusions, hearing voices, and paranoia. It surfaces more frequently during a person’s late teens to early twenties, and it has the potential to destroy the lives of the people who are unfortunate enough toRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1055 Words   |  5 Pagesconsidering all the signs and symptoms presented by the patient, Ms. Neighbors meets the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for schizophreniform disorder. Based on the information provided by the patient’s sister, and aligning the symptoms, the behavior, and the patient’s history to the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5, the patient meets all diagnostic criteria for schizophreniform disorder. According to criterion A, the patient should experience the same characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia. In other words, theRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1176 Words   |  5 Pages Symptoms The symptoms of schizophrenia are wide and varied, typically falling into three main categories, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. Each of these symptom types affect the patient in different ways, and in different degrees of severity. The symptoms may range from mildly irritating, to severe and debilitating. Positive symptoms are behaviors not normally seen in healthy people. Negative symptoms are behaviors that are usually exhibited in healthy people but areRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1671 Words   |  7 Pages Schizophrenia is defined many ways, but each definition of this disorder is correct. No two individuals will have the exact same symptoms of schizophrenia. The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek words that mean â€Å"split mind†. This disorder can lead to many other problems throughout a person’s lifetime. There are many different symptoms that can help with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but each of the sym ptoms can also be contributed to other disorders. The symptoms of schizophrenia appearRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1153 Words   |  5 Pages 1 / 3 Cindy Tien 3-18-15 Per.6 Schizophrenia What is Schizophrenia? Can you imagine living day by day having to hear and see things that nobody else could? You feel alone, lost and different amongst other normal people. Believe it or not, approximately twenty five million people in America have been impacted by this disease called schizophrenia. What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is mental disorder distinguished by disturbances within thought patterns, attention, and emotions. UnfortunatelyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1569 Words   |  7 Pagesmental health professionals, Jaime was confirmed to have paranoid schizophrenia. Jaime was immediately put on antipsychotic medication, and after about 3 months of taking that medication, he started attending psychological treatment. He has been continuing with both procedures for about a year. Today, his medication dose has lowered and he has shown much improvement compared to when he first was diagnosed. Introduction Positive symptoms are behaviors that aren t seen in healthy people, people whoRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1049 Words   |  5 Pages The Effects of Schizophrenia Madison M. Sulak Dr. Linstrum PSYCH 2301 East Texas Baptist University Fall 2015 Pg. 1 A brain disorder can be triggered by multiple different things such as a stroke, abnormal growths, any type of viral infection, or cancer. There are countless types of brain disorders that people are diagnosed with daily. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, â€Å"Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected peopleRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1077 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenias is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behavior and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices (APA,2015). I choose to touch on the topic of schizophrenia because I always been interested the topic itself. The one thing I wondered is if there are different stages of schizophrenia and why it may be hard to diagnose. Schizophrenia is a mental disease that’s very hard to pinpoint in a person, whichRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia904 Words   |  4 Pagessigns symptoms observed. Some of the disorders are caused by different factors and reveal divergent signs and symptoms which are depended on the field of the body infected. This paper purposes at critically evaluating and analyzing psychological disorder referred to as schizophrenia by demonstrating its symptoms and their occurrences. It will discuss the causes of this type of psychological disorder and possible diagnostic t ogether treatments mechanisms of this kind of disease. Schizophrenia is aRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia930 Words   |  4 Pagesthis paper Schizophrenia is a series of symptoms that are led by the patient having delusions or hallucinations. The patient often has disorganized speech or catatonic behavior. Schizophrenia symptoms can be considered a very broad spectrum of ideas that are categorized to be schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Arguably some believe that these symptoms can be considered random. More than one person can be described as having Schizophrenia but may not always have the same symptoms. This makes